Living Legend
The mechanical flasher relay on the R3 is a 3-pole type and fits into a square recepticle under the right side cover. While replacing the mechanical unit with an eletronic unit (in support of an LED signal conversion), I did not pay attention to the orientation of the blades. From the di-electric grease pattern, it looks like the original installations was like this:
Can anyone confirm this? This view is from sitting on the right side of the bike and facing the right side cover. The blade shown on the left is towards the rear of the bike.
I'm not getting the desired results from the electronic flasher unit so I'm trying to determine what I've done wrong or if I have a defective flasher.
Can anyone confirm this? This view is from sitting on the right side of the bike and facing the right side cover. The blade shown on the left is towards the rear of the bike.
I'm not getting the desired results from the electronic flasher unit so I'm trying to determine what I've done wrong or if I have a defective flasher.