Side cover blew off...history

FINALLY picked up my cover last Thursday, June 5. Almost 3 months since it blew off. Here's is why it took so long...

That's pretty outrageous. Glad you finally got the part, but that's a lot of BS to have to wade through just to get a part!

Yeah, I grabbed one grommet this morning to see if I can hunt down some makeshift replacements locally and it came out with disturbing ease. I'll have to put some gunk on there to keep them on too I think. Glad this thread caused me to be proactive on the side covers though.

One of my Grommets went missing ,so being a bush mechanic, I had a look at the space where it came from and bingo,I cut a piece of 5/16 rubber fuel hose and replaced the Triumph grommet with short length of hose worked that well I replaced the rest of them with hose ,you can push the hose all the way through the tag on the frame so it will not come out a little dab of rubber glue makes it permanent
Yeah I couldn't find anything locally I could really make work as well as I'd like, the one place I found that had similar size grommets was out of the similar size grommets, downside of living in a tiny speck of a place. So, I hit up and ordered a set of 4 for 5£ and tossed in a Triumph baseball cap while I was there. They shipped it within a few hours of the order. I'll just silicone those into place and that should be that.
On my first garage day with my '14 tour I also noticed the left side cover pulled off the bike too easily. Thanks for the tips, I'll be tightening up the grommets or replacing them today.
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My side covers have 2 each 8mm bolt heads on the 2014 they must have listened...
yeah cos its a roadster all standards classics and roadsters are bolted on and always have been its those silly looking tourers that have the clip ons and the seat bolted down .
yeah cos its a roadster all standards classics and roadsters are bolted on and always have been its those silly looking tourers that have the clip ons and the seat bolted down .
Yea knew that, was referring to the fact that they used the same bolt head size instead of 10 and 8 mm on each cover like on all my previous non touring rockets...
On my first garage day with my '14 tour I also noticed the left side cover pulled off the bike too easily. Thanks for the tips, I'll be tightening up the grommets or replacing them today.

I drilled a small hole through the rearmost post on the cover (on the inside) and threaded a zip tie through that and around the frame, too, there's a pic of that a page or so back. That cheap fix saved my left cover, without that it would absolutely have flown off and I would have been buying a cover from WorldOfTriumph and not cheap grommets.
Yea knew that, was referring to the fact that they used the same bolt head size instead of 10 and 8 mm on each cover like on all my previous non touring rockets...
My 2010 Roadster has two 10ml bolts holding each side on now. Removing side overs is now a one spanner job.
Yea knew that was referring to the fact that they used the same bolt head size instead of 10 and 8 mm on each cover like on all my previous non touring rockets...
Oh sorry my mistake . Yeah always wondered why they used two different sizes but then I just figured it was to piss me off lol
I worked out a great deal with the dealer I bought my bike from. I received a set of TORS silencers for FREE! I paid for install and the Triumph tune. $65! They did right be me and I am satisfied.