FINALLY picked up my cover last Thursday, June 5. Almost 3 months since it blew off. Here's is why it took so long. The General manager at the dealer, told me to take a couple pics of the missing cover and e mail them. I called a week later and he told me he ordered them under warranty. I called 3 weeks later to check in the status. Service manager said they were "released" and will be here Friday. Friday came and went and I called again. "We're waiting for them too." he said. I called another week or so later and talked to service manager again. I was told they are now on back order. I asked about the earlier "released" comment. "It just says it's back ordered." The next day I called customer service in Atlanta Ga. I asked why it takes 7 weeks to get a part. He asked for my VIN. Then he asked for my name. " There is no order for your bike." Now I'm pissed. I explained the situation to him and he ordered the side cover for me. He said it will take 3 more weeks. 3 weeks later and I call the dealer and the NEW General Manager said the cover is in. (Notice I had to call him again.) I explained the situation to him about being lied to 3-4 times by his managers. If there was no purchase order, what in sam hell was his people looking at on the computers. He gave some rig-a-ma-roll about the various computers not being able to talk to each other. Will I ever deal with this dealer again? Doubtful. He did say he would give me a free oil change when I needed it. I told him I am going to change my own oil when needed. After spending almost 17 grand on a bike, to be treated like this is BS. Love the bike though!!!