Side cover blew off...history

I started this post March 17. I am still waiting for the replacement. Sure glad this wasn't a part that would keep me off the road. I did call the dealer last Thursday, He said "we're still waiting for it too."
They're taking their time, huh. One of the downsides to having a bike that isn't ultra-standard and available everywhere.

Thanks to your misfortune I did the following hack to my side covers (only had short zip ties at home, so combined two.)


Note the glimpse of the shiny rear wheel! It only took two hours of manual grinding with polish and a rag, skinned knuckles and other fun stuff. I'm buying some Flitz polishing balls, stat...
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Wow, that sucks that they use rubber grommets to attach to the bike. My Suzuki had side covers like that, but they were strong as hell, no way they would fly off even at 400kph. I'm glad the roadster has at lease 2 bolts and 1 rubber grommet at the bottom to secure it.
I think if the grommets are intact and in place, no mere breeze will pluck them loose. I really don't expect to lose mine. I just don't want to take the chance, so some belt and suspenders type thinking. You have to pull fairly firmly to get one off, at least on my bike.
Still still waiting. It is what it is. The best solution I have found is buying grommets at the auto store. A little gorilla glue. Side cover post sit firmly in the hole. The zip ties are definitely my close second choice.
The zip tie insurance literally just require drilling a tiny hole in the rear post of the cover, there is no visible damage on the outside and it doesn't even look objectionable from the inside. I haven't had to test if it holds if the cover comes off but I'd be surprised if it didn't, seems like an easy added security.
It works, I have had mine on for a while same way you did ,with the zip tie and hole. peace of mind.
Went on a ride today and had the bike trickle charging overnight - wasn't necessary but I figured it couldn't hurt to have a topped up battery. This morning, I was in a hurry and slapped the cover on a bit too quickly so the rear grommet came out somewhere along the way.

And thanks to the ziptie, the cover couldn't move out more than a couple of centimeters so it stayed on the entire day, I only noticed it was loose when I was almost home. :) Now to find a new grommet somewhere.
FINALLY picked up my cover last Thursday, June 5. Almost 3 months since it blew off. Here's is why it took so long. The General manager at the dealer, told me to take a couple pics of the missing cover and e mail them. I called a week later and he told me he ordered them under warranty. I called 3 weeks later to check in the status. Service manager said they were "released" and will be here Friday. Friday came and went and I called again. "We're waiting for them too." he said. I called another week or so later and talked to service manager again. I was told they are now on back order. I asked about the earlier "released" comment. "It just says it's back ordered." The next day I called customer service in Atlanta Ga. I asked why it takes 7 weeks to get a part. He asked for my VIN. Then he asked for my name. " There is no order for your bike." Now I'm pissed. I explained the situation to him and he ordered the side cover for me. He said it will take 3 more weeks. 3 weeks later and I call the dealer and the NEW General Manager said the cover is in. (Notice I had to call him again.) I explained the situation to him about being lied to 3-4 times by his managers. If there was no purchase order, what in sam hell was his people looking at on the computers. He gave some rig-a-ma-roll about the various computers not being able to talk to each other. Will I ever deal with this dealer again? Doubtful. He did say he would give me a free oil change when I needed it. I told him I am going to change my own oil when needed. After spending almost 17 grand on a bike, to be treated like this is BS. Love the bike though!!!
One of my right side cover grommets fell out within a week of bringing my '14 R3T home. I replaced it. The following day, as I was headed out of town on a long trip, I stopped for gas and only because of a faulty leaking gas pump hose (GRRRR) found out the side cover was again loose due to a rubber grommet missing. I went by the dealership and their lead mechanic, Tony, used black silicon to secure each grommet in place... 3000+ miles later I've had no issues.