Side cover blew off...history

One of these? :confused:

Brand spanking new Touring. It was finally cool enough, 45 degrees, to start putting some miles on her. About 3-5 miles into my ride I heard something kinda click. Looked in the rear view and didn't see anything. Didn't think anything of it. When I got to the first stop sign, put my foot down and felt the right rear floor board was down. "That was the click I heard" I pondered to myself. Kicked up the board and went on my way. When I returned home about 42 miles later I noticed the side cover missing. Re-rode the route and could not find it. I called the dealer the next day and explained the above story. He wanted to hem and haw and asked me If maybe I bumped it throwing my leg over it. I assured him I know how to mount a motorcycle and in the end he agreed to cover the cover. So...I have read quit a bit on these forums but didn't see where this side cover mounting was a problem. I took the left cover off and did notice it comes off rather easy. I assumed it was a dealer issue and won't be a problem in the future. Is there an issue with these covers? Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening again? I'm quite sure that if this happens again I will be forking over the doe to replace it.

I had the left side fly off my 2008 last month. I can't believe they changed to a push on from a bolt on and the bolt on seat is a pain in the a as well. I also went back to locate my cover but, couldn't find it. It cost me $250 to replace it. You can bet I'm going to be checking into finding a way to secure it.
If yours is a Touring model I'd appreciate if you would post a photo of how they added the bolts to it.
Nope Roadster I was replying to the rockets that have bolts, used to be 2 different sizes. I put a ziptie through the grommets when I had the R3T and tied it to the frame
I used a long zip tie to fasten my side covers to the frame, it is looped loose so its still easy to remove and reinstall the covers but I will not lose them if they come off.
You will need to drill a very small hole in the bottom of the covers so you can thread the zip tie thru.
You will not see the hole as its out of sight.
lost mine too, got selfadhesive ty-rap mounts sticked on the cover a rap trough it and trough the rubber/metal hole.
too remove the cover just cut the ty-rap and put a new one in
I used a long zip tie to fasten my side covers to the frame, it is looped loose so its still easy to remove and reinstall the covers but I will not lose them if they come off.
You will need to drill a very small hole in the bottom of the covers so you can thread the zip tie thru.
You will not see the hole as its out of sight.

My 2012 has the "push on" ones; so you can bet I'll be looking to secure them.

It's something I've never given a thought to; but $250.00 for a plastic cover, Dam#!