Side cover blew off...history

Glad the dealer came through. I had dealer in the Milwaukee area change my tires a couple years ago when I was on our Sea to Shining Sea ride for diabetes research. They treated me great!!!
Went to take care of this today and got stopped by a drill with a dead battery, but my plan is to drill through the rear plastic peg base that goes into the bushing when you push it on - a hole through that on the inside won't be visible at all, and it is right next to the frame so a looped loose strip tie should be a perfect backup in case it flies off.
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Has anyone figured out why they're so expensive?

Plastic that needs paint and such probably needs to be worked a little. And all spare parts are wildly expensive, unfortunately.
Probably would cost close to $100,000 to buy all the parts separately and put it together to build a Rocket 3.
Mind you, if it was a Harley it would cost $200,000.
Hi i lost one of the gromets from the side panel and went to the dealerfor a replacement.
repalcwment cost was ......... £1.25 or $2 now that is good