Should I be concerned?

Don't be concerned, it happens to most of us at some point.. In my 3 years of ownership it has only happened once, while sitting in traffic, pulled in the clutch and it died... started right up again and off I went... never happened again.
My 2008 standard was off the road for almost 5 years (car crash laid me up real good)
When I finally got it going again, it was stalling like that for a few days, then it cleared up.
(My clutch friction plates had also glued themselves to the steel plates, but that's another story)

Do you know how long the bike sat before you bought it?
Might be your ignition switch is going out 2007 model. How long have you owned on the bike.
^If it happened while turning the bike, definitely this. Had this on my 2005. The handlebar twisting pulled the wires to the ignition switch enough to cause the solder joints to come loose. Soldered it twice after having it come loose and requiring a hotwire job while on the road. After the second time I relocated the ignition under the seat and it's been fine ever since.

Symptom for me was a complete electrical shutdown of the bike rather than just the engine dying.
Two things spring to mind. First is to make sure that the bike has had the headlight relay fix so that the ignition switch doesn't overheat and melt the solder holding the main white power wire on. I doubt this is your problem at the moment. The other is what is your idle rpm? Some earlier ECU tunes had the idle too low which could cause this stalling and also lets the oil pressure get marginally low. Around 900 rpm is good.
My 2006 would occasionally die at idle so I move it up a bit, maybe 100 rpm. No more problem.
Hey guys,
Thanks for all the advice. I think the bike had not been ridden since late fall but it started right up without any issues and rode great. It had a nice 200 mile stretch coming back home and seems to be fine except for this one incident. I actually received the ECU cable for my android phone today and I checked for any error codes with the TuneEcu app. 0 error codes listed and the map was 20215 which I believe is the factory tune. I do need to get the headlight relay kit as I don't think it has been installed. Is there any one place better to purchase than another? Thanks again for your help guys!

Hey guys,
Thanks for all the advice. I think the bike had not been ridden since late fall but it started right up without any issues and rode great. It had a nice 200 mile stretch coming back home and seems to be fine except for this one incident. I actually received the ECU cable for my android phone today and I checked for any error codes with the TuneEcu app. 0 error codes listed and the map was 20215 which I believe is the factory tune. I do need to get the headlight relay kit as I don't think it has been installed. Is there any one place better to purchase than another? Thanks again for your help guys!

DEcosse has a good one or you can go with the eastern beaver bypass decosse you can PM him he is in the great USA and a great guy. :D