Shock and Awe!

Great news. I too was suprprised there wasn't more difference. One of my buddies is a sport bike rider, but does have an HD in his stable of 5 bikes, and thinks the CT is heresy. He is out west but I'm hoping he makes in back here this summer and will take the Rocket for a ride, anxious to get his opinion.

Forecast for my area is 8-12" within the next 24 hours, got at least 4 over the last 24 hours. Working hard to push the wall of snow back.
My poor Rocket thinks it will never see blacktop again.
My poor wife thinks once the weather breaks she will never see either one of us again.
Reasurring her gets more and more difficult.
Great news. I too was suprprised there wasn't more difference. One of my buddies is a sport bike rider, but does have an HD in his stable of 5 bikes, and thinks the CT is heresy. He is out west but I'm hoping he makes in back here this summer and will take the Rocket for a ride, anxious to get his opinion.

Forecast for my area is 8-12" within the next 24 hours, got at least 4 over the last 24 hours. Working hard to push the wall of snow back.
My poor Rocket thinks it will never see blacktop again.
My poor wife thinks once the weather breaks she will never see either one of us again.
Reasurring her gets more and more difficult.

Should be interesting. My son rides an HD Sportster and hates the Rocket. It is much bigger though. I have an HD Ultra Classic Electra Glide. I just can't stand to ride it any more! :rolleyes:
Road to work yesterday for the first time since installing the CT (always thought that was the girl in High School who wouldn't put out! :rolleyes:) Anyway, it was interesting as I have been riding that route for 7 months on an MT. It was again the sweeping curves and exit/entrance ramps that felt the most different with the CT. I am getting used to it and like virtually everything about the change. :)
Not to worry, about 75% of the planet has been warmer than normal during our frigid winter. This past January was the warmest on record, globally, over the last 11 years.
what happened to global warming? We are even getting snow on the NC coast.

For some scientific reason that I don't really comprehend, the cold temperatures down south this winter are the result of global warming. Perhaps this it has something to do with why it's 50 in Vancouver! :confused:
wonder if the earth wobbled ? All the rockets they send up got to push on the planet a good bit. ( for every action there is a equal opposite action)