Darkside with 11.5" 444 shocks?

You could remove your seat and have an upholsterer cut some foam out and recover or have a go yourself. I did do mine. Removed the staples, marked the seat sides with a marker to what I thought was a good shape. Poked a skewer into the foam past the depth to where I was going to cut to make sure there was still enough foam for comfort. Got an electric knife and carved away. Used the same cover to fit just pulled tighter and if you want to, remove any access. This was for my classic, I guess most seats you will be able to do the same. I have since changed to a different lower single seat but that is a different story.
I had 1" lower Hagon nitros and they made the bike look really cool till I had a passenger and no wiring under the fender and limited lean angle - so they are no longer - sold to another member for a trailer or something.
@Mittzy I dont ride a trailer and yep the wiring chews out one up with my fat ass on it, that is untill @ozrider gave me a hand tucking the wiring up out of the way and winding the preload up a goodly ammount
All good information guys, thank you. I would like the extra footing that you get with that extra inch (pays to have very solid footing on the ground with such a heavy bike) but I also want to go darkside again ... I miss that from my last RIII. Sounds like I can't go both. Unless I get my 'lowering' from the seat. Know of any aftermarket seats like a Corbin, etc that are lower profile that the stock? :)
I have both and only get scrapping now if i hit a speed bump to fast , ride is very firm with preload amount that has to be dialled in to minimise scrape.
@Mittzy I dont ride a trailer and yep the wiring chews out one up with my fat ass on it, that is untill @ozrider gave me a hand tucking the wiring up out of the way and winding the preload up a goodly ammount
I meant to say i wouldnt recommend it ,for me it gives the look i like , i dont mind giving up a bit of function for form , im nowhere within the realms of most riders here that like to push their limits in the twisties , im happier sitting at the back looking cool on my low ass R3R haha
@Mittzy I dont ride a trailer and yep the wiring chews out one up with my fat ass on it, that is untill @ozrider gave me a hand tucking the wiring up out of the way and winding the preload up a goodly ammount
I was referring to the previous set I had before the ones you got from me they were much lower:thumbsup:
Just a thought and maybe more than you want to get into, but you could change the lighting and wiring?
As for Corbin's, they're lower, but wider, so you actually loose foot stance with them (my experience). I'm sure there's some lower seats out there though.
You could remove your seat and have an upholsterer cut some foam out and recover or have a go yourself. I did do mine. Removed the staples, marked the seat sides with a marker to what I thought was a good shape. Poked a skewer into the foam past the depth to where I was going to cut to make sure there was still enough foam for comfort. Got an electric knife and carved away. Used the same cover to fit just pulled tighter and if you want to, remove any access. This was for my classic, I guess most seats you will be able to do the same. I have since changed to a different lower single seat but that is a different story.

Scorp ... what is the lower single seat you're using?
Maverick Low rider, it's a English company, it is very low and I find it comfortable but. ...it is a single and secures from underneath the rear guard with a bolt. I also have lowered suspension and larger Exceedra max so it is a right pain to remove.
I meant to say i wouldnt recommend it ,for me it gives the look i like , i dont mind giving up a bit of function for form , im nowhere within the realms of most riders here that like to push their limits in the twisties , im happier sitting at the back looking cool on my low ass R3R haha

dirty harry