Several ECU tunes all running VERY rich

That noise - a sort of HARSH SLAPPING sound? About 2500rpm (in my case was 2250-2750)? - If you think it's loud with the claw on you'll be REALLY stunned at the CACOPHONY without it. It's, imo, poor inlet resonance caused by the K&N's. It's one reason I'll not be using those K&N's again - EVER. They also started to mess a lot with Trim values in that area - as if they work VERY well at one rpm and terribly 250rpm higher.

Out of curiosity what are you using now? Velocity stacks? If so, can you provide specific enough info that I could find and purchase what you're running? I can live with the cracking noise if I must, it doesn't bother me much, but I would prefer better airflow if it's available... noise reduction would be icing on the cake.
Just seen this, been busy with other comitment last couple of days but Chris has answered as well as I could if not better, your questions guys. Popa I will have look at what I sent you when i get home in morning but I am pretty sure the FL switch point is set right
Well sounds like you had the same exact issues i have barbagris. I may just go back to the stock manifold because im not a fan of hearing loud rapid door knocks going down the road. =(
Either I'm hard of hearing (well maybe a little), or the Pipercross filter don't cause all that noise. I've never noticed any popping, cracking, chirping, or anything else since installing it. Just the sound of the beast inhaling when I crank the throttle. Sounds a lot like an old muscle car when you turned the breather cover over.
Either I'm hard of hearing (well maybe a little), or the Pipercross filter don't cause all that noise. I've never noticed any popping, cracking, chirping, or anything else since installing it. Just the sound of the beast inhaling when I crank the throttle. Sounds a lot like an old muscle car when you turned the breather cover over.
I di dnot notice the noise on Gracie with the pipercross either. But then I never ran triple filters before I installed the blower on the Falcon. Gracie ran fine.

Also I am not sure but when Wayne said to reset the adaptives I beleieve he was trying to clear what was in the ecu prior to you adding the PCV stuff. I am no expert but it could be the ecu has only so much storage space for adaptive changes.
Out of curiosity what are you using now? Velocity stacks? If so, can you provide specific enough info that I could find and purchase what you're running?
What I use now - you cannot buy - but could make.

I use the outer Triumph plenum which retains the Triumph rubber belllmouths (velocity stacks) inside. Then cut away some of the plenum and replaced it with filter foam - much as did Battersea - but I let more air in. I cut away more plastic and draw air in via the original "ovals" too.

I then covered the remaining plastic with heat reflecting and sound dampening material. Hence the silvery bit. My Bear claw is also lined with same.

Much quieter. If anything mare torque low down. Smooth as silk cruising in top up to 4000 rpm. Maybe looses a tad at 5000rpm plus. But I'm not up there often enough for it to matter.

Outright acceleration is not what I aim for. My wife gives me too many kidney punches then.

I have however ridden for ages with both plenums fitted and a Pipercross PK003F fitted onto the rear of the inner grey plenum - Was/is fine for road use.

it's rated to 150bhp-ish (this limit btw comes from the fact it's a 70mm outlet - the plenum inlet size - the filter itself will happily flow more air). The same filter with a 75mm outlet is rated to 175bhp. The 100mm outlet 240bhp. Same filter size.

Some feel it's position means it's drawing in warm air from under the tank- though at 3000rpm that's 57.5 litres a second of air - I doubt the heat under the tank has much time to warm it up much. It's just basic physics.


Thanks to Battersea a UK company called RAMAIR is building an R3 specific single piece filter - It includes properly radiused air feeds moulded into the base. Designed to fit under the bear claw and to take the IAT sensor and keep it in the air flow.

They are ALSO looking at a cold air feed claw replacement.