Several ECU tunes all running VERY rich


Oct 24, 2012
Rochester, NY
2013 (early year) Roadster
I currently have a PCV with an AT installed on my bike.

The PCV is loaded with a 0 map, so (theoretically) it should not be modifying my fueling.

I have loaded at least 3 different tunes on my ECU, each with appropriate configurations for my bike. I would expect some trims, perhaps some significant trims, to be necessary but I am getting massive ranges of -20 trims from my AT and after excepting the trims some of those same areas shot back up to -20 again for the second set of trims.

Every tune I have loaded has been low on power, and every tune has been massively rich. This indicates to me that for some reason my bike isn't burning fuel the way that ANY of the bikes that originated these tunes does.

Does anybody have any troubleshooting advice? Is it possible I'm not getting the air I should be from the 2780s? Is there something else that may be richening the mix? I put all this effort into feeding more air and fuel into my engine and now I'm not burning it!!!
I have some cells that have as much as -50% trims. Lots of 30 plus. Especially lower RPMS and TPS%

What tune is in the Triumph ECU?
What pipes? - edited ah I see - Reband.

Have you modified the F->L table switch values? with TuneECU - it's a bit of a MUST.

When I fitted 2780's the fuelling went all over the place. Adjacent cells could be wildly different. I've recently tried again and found the same - They're off and will not be refitted - EVER.

The 0 map simply means it starts from ZERO not that it does nothing. The A/T will commence trimming to suit the AFR objectives. Per default settings it will only hold +/- 20% in the AT trim tables.

1) Load a tune into the TRIUMPH ECU that suits what you want to achieve in terms of ignition values and secondary butterflies settings. Fuel settings matter not a jot.
2) Load 0 Map into PCV with Hanso's V2 AFR values for the A/T and ride two tankfuls.
3) Commit the A/T trim values into the PCV fuel tables.
4) Ride two more tankfuls.
5) Commit trims again.

Hereafter the fuelling should be close to what is targeted.

Any changes to exhaust, filters - two tankfuls and commit.
Thanks Barbagris, that's solid advice and more importantly you've given me some anecdotal justification for my situation so I'm not as concerned that there's a specific problem with my bike.

I've got Hanso's AFR map in, and after trying a few ECU tunes, I settled on the one that delivers the best ride (contestant number 2 ended up having a rough spot right around 2000rpm in 5th that the AT wasn't helping a bit).

I have no doubt that allowing the AT to trim my tune to fit will have the bike running with a good mix, I'm just concerned that I put all this time and money into upping the fuel/air throughput only to trim it back to stock.
Now THAT is something I did not know at all! Thank you very much. I'll do that as soon as I can.
You will also want to clear and reset all adaptive trims using TuneECU, then force a new adaptive with a 12 minute tune up.

Will that be negatively impacted by the presence of the AT unit? I don't believe it sends any useful info to the ECU from the sensor.
I am having a similar problem with the 2780's im using that installed last night. I loaded Hanso's ecu tune and then the blank power commander map with afr values for auto tune. Im getting some noisy knocking from the intake in certain throttle and rpm ranges. I do have the bear claw on over the filters which may echo the noise but it is discouraging to say the least. A knocking high performance engine is ussually no bueno. also quite a bit of backfiring on decel from high rpms. I was curious if we are supposed to disable the oxygen sensor in autotune or not. I think it may be counter productive to have the ecu making trim adjustments along with the PC5. If anyone knows if disabling the oxy sensor in the ecu is a bad idear or not?

Also before the pod changes i have seen autotune lean fuel/air mix tables into the -40's which in my case has caused dead throttle spots for me.
That noise - a sort of HARSH SLAPPING sound? About 2500rpm (in my case was 2250-2750)? - If you think it's loud with the claw on you'll be REALLY stunned at the CACOPHONY without it. It's, imo, poor inlet resonance caused by the K&N's. It's one reason I'll not be using those K&N's again - EVER. They also started to mess a lot with Trim values in that area - as if they work VERY well at one rpm and terribly 250rpm higher.

The Autotune NEEDS its WIDEBAND O2 sensor it came with - or it wont work. Also the PCV kit should have come with a plug to bypass the NARROW BAND O2 sensor input having any effect - the sensor itself should have been removed to fit the Autotune O2 sensor.

Dead throttle spots - I had this VERY early on with my PCV - especially when there was a big change in ambient temperature between rides. This maybe the Intake Air temp sensor applying correction values. I think this can also be when the stock ECU is trying to move between F and L fuel tables - It gives the PCV a hard time as it does not know the stock ECU has two sets of tables. Also found that the map/gear option of the PCV is very beneficial.