Seven motorcyclists are dead after colliding with a pickup truck in New Hampshire

Thats a gooseneck trailer with double axles, so is required by law to have an electronic brake on at least one axle. However, every time you take a load, or offload, you have to reset the electric brake to specifications. Only that way will you get maximum efficient braking. Drive a 2500 Dodge RAMSLT 4x4 with a gooseneck hauling cattle to auction for my girlfriend, and the 2500 is poweful enough for the job. Don't overload, and if unsure check on a Cat Scale. Cheaper that paying a hefty fine for being overweight. Also have a Class A CDL and have driven commercial OTR and was an 88M Instructor with the U.S.Army, teaching soldiers LMTV/MTV/HEMMT & M915 tractor/trailer. Just a completely different driving outlook and skills with the bigger rigs. Be it on a motorcycle, pick-up or tractor trailer, I learn something new everything I ride or drive. Always learning.
PS. To the British riders. Just came back from my Dad's place in Rochester, Kent, and there's no way I could get a Dodge 2500 SLT down the long hill on the back way from Chatham to Star Hill Rochester, let alone with the trailer! Roads are way too small and narrow. 6 hours driving here in the desert SW gets you nowhere, but in England you'd be in the water somewhere, if you where not stuck in a traffic jam!
I've been in Portland and read the latest development on my phone news app, not being able to respond on the forum.

This is not just a failure of the system, but multiple systems. This POS should have been deported after his first run in with the law. Why we keep POS like him in the US is a travesty and a tragedy. He should have been shipped back to the Ukraine where he came from. And OBTW, where my family came from. They never killed anyone though.

The rest of the story is that politically appointed fat sow head of the MA Registry Motor Vehicles has resigned for failure to pull the CDL of the POS who killed these bikers, even after being notified of his previous run ins with the law and a DWI. Her previous job was head of some children's welfare organization so she was totally unqualified for this job. She did the right thing and fell on her sword.

There is more on this to come, for instance, why the State Police released a guy on his 0R that had just killed seven people, to include a retired cop. From the beginning the reporting was very vague on how this horrific tragedy happened.
This POS should have been slammed in jail and given a full spectrum blood test for alcohol and drugs, especially since he had a record. They let him go though. Really? How does that work?

This is going to get uglier and hopefully more heads will fall, including those of the cops and the local prosecutor who let him go without charge.

Edit. Deleted last sentence. Shouldn't have inferred any mob connection.
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Unfortunately I've run into situations in the past where law enforcement chose not to detain someone or impound their vehicle and it had disastrous consequences. I spoke with legal experts and they stated they are immune basically because they have to act with malicious intent in order to be guilty of anything.
Related to this,as far as being released, my niece who just passed away got beat up by her boyfriend went to the hospital with a concussion, he was charged with assault and obstruction of breathing. They released him in the morning and he claims he went home and found her dead. Really, to beat her up again, WTF? She likely overdosed, but pending autopsy results, he could be facing a murder charge if I was due to a head injury. And they released him in the morning....
Man accused of killing bikers flipped 18-wheeler in Texas weeks ago – Boston Herald

Definitely a failure in the system. He should have NEVER been on the road, let alone, in a vehicle pulling a large trailer.

Several years ago an old friend of mine spent quite a bit, about $3500, to attend training to get his CDL. After finishing the course he decided, for a number of good reasons, not to get into the industry. It was a real eye opener for him though to learn of the acute shortage of long haul drivers and the trend of hiring foreigners who have never driven a vehicle in their home countries. He said in the next few years we'd be seeing the result with more accidents involving trucks. Hopefully this is not part of the trend but the fact that we was still driving after flipping a big rig and then getting a DWI suggests it is.
I was talking to a buddy who just retired from driving, about how truck drivers have gone from being the most professional and courteous to the worst and most discourteous drivers, that was his opinion too, plethora of improperly trained and inexperienced foreigners.