I've been in Portland and read the latest development on my phone news app, not being able to respond on the forum.
This is not just a failure of the system, but multiple systems. This POS should have been deported after his first run in with the law. Why we keep POS like him in the US is a travesty and a tragedy. He should have been shipped back to the Ukraine where he came from. And OBTW, where my family came from. They never killed anyone though.
The rest of the story is that politically appointed fat sow head of the MA Registry Motor Vehicles has resigned for failure to pull the CDL of the POS who killed these bikers, even after being notified of his previous run ins with the law and a DWI. Her previous job was head of some children's welfare organization so she was totally unqualified for this job. She did the right thing and fell on her sword.
There is more on this to come, for instance, why the State Police released a guy on his 0R that had just killed seven people, to include a retired cop. From the beginning the reporting was very vague on how this horrific tragedy happened.
This POS should have been slammed in jail and given a full spectrum blood test for alcohol and drugs, especially since he had a record. They let him go though. Really? How does that work?
This is going to get uglier and hopefully more heads will fall, including those of the cops and the local prosecutor who let him go without charge.
One of disclosures that my come out of this is the role of the Russian and Ukrainian mobs in the stolen car rackets in the west and east coast. Big time.