Service Issus & Dallas Shops


.060 Over
Nov 8, 2012
2013 Rocket III Roadster
So my primary shop said they woudl mount a DS tire then changed their minds and now wont. So if you know of a Dallas area shop who will mount my DS tire, let me know.

Second, the shop also said that service could be an issue in that they wont test ride a bike with a DS tire on it. Not they they will not service it, but that after service I am on my own. Not sure I am overly worried about that cause I rarely take it in, but has anyone elese experienced this issue?
Take it to a car tyre place. It will be quicker and cheaper. If they won't do it, then get them to remove the tyre, then take the rim and new tyre to someone else. There is absolutely nothing illegal about fitting a passenger tyre to a passenger vehicle, and that is what you are doing.
Did not think about a car tire place. I will check that. I am thinking about using dyna-beads too. So balancing will not be an issue.
I take my wheel and tire to Hispanic used tire shops and they put the new tire on for 10 bucks.
I would not use it to remove the wheel. I have one an in no way is it close to being stable. It is a pain in the butt just to get it balanced on that jack. I bought it just to clean the rims and tires. I use straps and a hoist to lift the rear up to change to the dark side and back

I think the last thing on earth you want to tackle is trying to remove a rear tire from the Rocket Rim by hand. It was very hard to do with an old pneumatic tire machine. The new no touch machines make easy work of it