Sending map to ecu

I am very interested in learning about this as well, has anybody purchased tuneboy? As far as I'm aware, correct me if I'm wrong please, the triumph DIagnostic tool,
T3880250 - Diagnostic tool
is only good for dealer maps? Or can it be used in place of tunecu or tuneboy?
from what I understand the TuneBoy has more features than TunECU but you pay for it too.

The triumph tool is for dealer use only it dose not allow access to change things in the ECU apart from the their stock tunes.

For the average user the free TuneECU is all you really need as you really need to know how to tune with a dyno to have any advantage using TuneBoy, experts like Neville Lush prefer to use TuneBoy but will also get results that you or I will only dream of