Selling my Roadster.....

so here we have a dude that mods a rocket, then only puts 700 miles on it...then calls it a pig......AND he brags about ***in up a cuda to make it run 9s .......dueche nozzle in my book....
700 miles?

I've had mine since early December, and couldn't ride for over five weeks with the back out.

Had my first service at a little over 700 miles (in two weeks).

Next ride, I'll be over 3000 miles on the beast.

See ya'; wouldn't want to be ya' (F'in poser)!
Man...youse guys are pretty hard on the guy...but he did bring it on himself...700 miles, then wants to sell, sells it and then calls it a pig...I'm wondering if he bought it for his wife and she rode it way faster than he "could" so he had to sell it...truly a sad turn of events.
Go read his earlier posts about ' seeking advice' on drag racing his Rocket .. he was given practical advice and then virtually got up everyone that offered it .. reason he's been given the 'farewell' he has.
Go read his earlier posts about ' seeking advice' on drag racing his Rocket .. he was given practical advice and then virtually got up everyone that offered it .. reason he's been given the 'farewell' he has.

He modded his bike and expected it would be the fastest thing on 2 wheels. He hadn't factored in the riding bit - the need for some basic ability to get down the drag track quickly. He's probably the type to buy an exercise machine and expect the weight to drop off him without the need to actually use it. He's no loss to us.