Seeing the light 55w to 100w


Tripptune, K&N, our crossover hp mufflers
May 9, 2013
Edinburg Texas
2000 Shadow ACE Tourer, 2009 Rocket iii Touring
To the Touring riders. I made a change on my 09T passing/driving lights over a year agoand have had no problems. What I did is changed the bulbs to 100watt bulbs made by Sylvania H3-100 #64153. Cut the small tang with tin snips/cross cutters and the bulbs become direct replacements. So driving light out put goes from 165w to 255w. Picked up bulbs at local auto parts @ 11.00 bucks each what a bright idea. you may have to lower the aim some drivers flash their bright lights but they did see me. SAFETY FIRST.
Yeah I upgraded mine as well. I think mine lasted a couple of years before melting the wiring. Plan on rewiring or junking the lights at some point.
Yeah I upgraded mine as well. I think mine lasted a couple of years before melting the wiring. Plan on rewiring or junking the lights at some point.
Yup - the wiring is NOT designed to cope with huge amperages. putting in high wattage bulbs WILL lead to tears. Also depending on how you ride - those additional amps could actually lead to alternator overload with other goodies on as well.
Watch you don't melt the reflector in your headlight assembly. I installed one in my America and noticed after a few weeks that the reflector directly above the light was starting to discolour. Replaced the bulb and was able to polish the reflector back to original.
Watch you don't melt the reflector in your headlight assembly. I installed one in my America and noticed after a few weeks that the reflector directly above the light was starting to discolour. Replaced the bulb and was able to polish the reflector back to original.
Oh yes that too on the 5&3/4" lights - They're simply SHYTE.

The heat builds up inside the smaller shells faster too (they're actually MUCH smaller than a lot of 5&3/4" shells). One of the first things any R3 (all except R3T) should have is old fashioned simple metal reflectors and patterned glass lens light units fitted. imo!.

Are the R3T lights plastic reflectors too? - I don't know. If so take the 100Watt out - NOW. Just get your wallet out - Get a Truck-Lite Phase-7 LED 7" light unit. Yes it's more than 11 bucks - but you wont fry anything and you'll get VERY good light pattern.
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Oh yes that too on the 5&3/4" lights - They're simply SHYTE.

The heat builds up inside the smaller shells faster too (they're actually MUCH smaller than a lot of 5&3/4" shells). One of the first things any R3 (all except R3T) should have is old fashioned simple metal reflectors and patterned glass lens light units fitted. imo!.

Are the R3T lights plastic reflectors too? - I don't know. If so take the 100Watt out - NOW. Just get your wallet out - Get a Truck-Lite Phase-7 LED 7" light unit. Yes it's more than 11 bucks - but you wont fry anything and you'll get VERY good light pattern.

Barbagris, is this the one that fits the R3T? is it a direct replacement? worth the $239?
Barbagris, is this the one that fits the R3T? is it a direct replacement? worth the $239?
AS FAR AS I KNOW - The R3T has a bog standard 7" headlight so should fit. It'll fit a Harley if that's a reference - and this review should answer the worth it or not. - Phase 7 LED Headlights & Passing Lamps.pdf

I think somebody else has already done the mod'. I have 5&3/4" so had to take a different route. I wish it had been as low as 240 bucks!
Are the R3T lights plastic reflectors too? - I don't know. If so take the 100Watt out - NOW. Just get your wallet out - Get a Truck-Lite Phase-7 LED 7" light unit. Yes it's more than 11 bucks - but you wont fry anything and you'll get VERY good light pattern.

There plastic to. If the cost of a LED headlight is too much get a good Bosch/Cibie/? unit and bulb. You will be able to see at night.