Sean A McPherson New Guy


To the Rocket go the spoils
May 8, 2017
Show Low Arizona
2015 Rocket III
I am 6'3 300 lbs, fiance is 5'3ish( no you can't see her when she rides with me ) I currently work with Fresenius medical care as a biomedical Technician, lots of travel around the surrounding states. I live in the mountains in North Eastern Arizona, has all four seasons (yes Arizona has climates other than scorching desert). We get a decent amount of snow, but plenty of perfect riding months. Lots of AWESOME highways with magnificent views of nature. I am the only one in immediate family that rides, soon to be father in law talked me into getting my first bike(I have always wanted one, but I wanted to wait until I had at least 3 years without a seizure(if you want to know more message me). So that was a little over a year ago and I bought a Harley sportster(rushed decision). But it lead me here. I have never crashed or laid the bike down moving or not lol. My first bike was fun until I rode my father in laws raider so I started looking at larger bikes and stumbled upon the rocket III in a online article and was infatuated just after the article, soon I was able to test drive one and made the saleswomen uncomfortable when she asked how I liked it and I replied I had to wait outside until my hard on went away. I absolutely love these bikes, and cannot wait to pick one up. I just sold my Sportster and am in the market now, TRYING not to jump the gun, looking for a good deal. And my fiance is tired of hearing my excitement so I had to find an outlet and boy am I glad I found this place. Vallery(fiance) did admit that she was excited as well, because now she will be able to ride with me. I am 6'3 300lbs so I alone was almost too big for the sportster.
Welcome from Dartmoor England .
Very fine intro sir ! :thumbsup:

Thanks, I was thinking it was a bit much, but I figure it answered all the topics requested by an admin. I really love the look of the roadster, just bare and bad ass looking but like the bags and windshield for the long rides. You can add an extra seat, and bags on the roadster right? Like I said I have a fiance and we will be taking trips with whichever model I choose, and it WILL be a Rocket, I will not settle for anything less!!!
Welcome from Northern Nevada. I'm 6' and 330ish lbs. The rocket is the only bike I don't feel big on. Be careful for that stupid grin that comes with rolling on the throttle. It never goes away. :D
Hahahaha oh yeah man, I couldn't quit smiling after each test drive
welcome from arizona.
there r some rockets in the state. an Australian came over and i met him along with some others from around the us and i met them in flag we had a good time nice guys.