sad news

This is sad news. RIP Hellfire.

I have found that through both personal and professional experience that the ones that are serious about it won't give any real indication that is what they are going to do. I just hope he has now found peace and comfort.
..I get the local Delaware paper (the News Journal)'s not in there today..if and when it is, I'll post it..

Please do.

I don't normally cultivate a lot of friends, but occasionally...rarely...I encounter someone I sense to be genuine: the real deal. THIS I felt when reading Kelly's words. He had heart and soul and grit. He was spot on with his political/cultural observations and few had deeper knowledge of the Rocket. I enjoyed his posts, his audacity, his clarity, his acid wit. His "take" on most issues closely mirrors my own. I respected and felt for this guy: he was in a crushing shyte storm without a shield and ultimately it bore him to earth. I almost take this loss personally. He really was like a brother of sorts. Life is precious and the paths we take have consequences: chose well your paths my brothers and sisters of the road.

Let us all raise a toast to this man tonight. Ciao My Friend, travel well.
maybe im thinkin on the logical side of things, but i have talked to kelly alot an it just seems odd that no indication was alerted to us.....yet that ***** wanted everything he had an now she has it!!!!! It angers me to no end that such a great guy is missing a place among us now and we really cant understand why! I just hope that kelly is at peace now!!!!
Wow.. This is tough to hear.. I've enjoyed several conversations with Hellfire. He's someone I would have liked to have met at one of the RAA's sometime.. Rainman did post an appropriate tribute.

It's tough to hear because my 15 yr old son almost succeeded at this last Tuesday.. He was in ICU for 2 days and is at a treatment center now. He may get to come home this coming Thursday. We've got to visit him a couple of times and he is seeming much better and much more open.. Scary to know he could be gone..

I am so sorry to hear this about your son . I hope and pray everything works out for your family . Remember we are all here for you if you need anything just ask .
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I'm hoping the 2012 thing is real, I should be out of money by then and it saves me from putting the gun in my own mouth.

This was his own post from 4/14/11 where Kelley made reference to the portended Mayan Calendar Apocalypse projected for 2012. There were other not-so-veiled, on-line references he had made to his contemplation of suicide, so this news does not come as a surprise to me, but it is a shock, nonetheless.