RPM while cruising at 80mph

Look, this is just my experience. On my last 1000 mile ride out west, we rode long stretches in the middle of nowhere and ran 80 - 90 for hours at a time. That sixth speed made it more comfortable. Bike was a Road King but just too physically small. Half the time I was sitting on the passenger pillon.
I still may make a move on a tour model because the only real way to know is to buy and ride taking time to evaluate. Only rode the rocket twice and really saw no difference between the tour model and regular one.
Thanks for posting. I want to learn more. I traveled to south FL last year intending to a RIII tour but backed off after checking the bike. Really was not the bike I had hoped it was.

You are now an enthusiastic "rocket man" and having ridden many a mile on Harley's, what's your opinion on long hauls?
It was probably the Harley speedo! You only thought you were doing 80 mph humor goes a long way

side engagement going in and out yes I would assume this to be as close as I can figure out from the feeling in the footpegs also a circlip I presumed to be between 4th and 5th in the first repair was scored badly which meant probably some damages between the 2 gears
I checked robinson transmission and they sell a better( stronger) 4th gear for $356 and they do back cutting as well they know their stuff as they build dragster tranny's when my wrench comes back from his vacation I will get him to do the surgery. this is not what should a strong gearbox should be in the first place but I like my bike enough that I will spend $$$ to get it fixed will keep you informed of the results when it is done
Personally speaking i think Triumph got it spot on with regards to 80mph/3000rpm...when ime at those sorta speeds my motor is right in the sweet zone and if i need to pass then just a quick snatch on the throttle and ime this side of a ton in a nano second without playing with gears...perfect i say
You should install a tach on your Touring. First thing I did to mine and really great to drive with. Tach and speedo put together and you can tell which gear your in.
You can tell by the seat of your pants, sound of engine etc what gear you are in I hate the gear indicator on my Roadster if I knew how to make it go away I would.
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Well, I tour every year, and I miss the cruise control for sure! But for me, I just could (and have) ridden my Roadster all day. My personal record is 850 miles in one day!

Im not a Harley hater! I think they all offer something, just a matter of taste really. Honestly if I hadnt bought my wife a Roadster, id never have known what a special bike the Triumph is! I liked it so much I got one for me too!