Rockets aren't for everyone...

I bought my first bike site unseen. But, knew it was a beginner bike I'd be trading in.

I go to demo days whenever I can. The rides are too short to fall in love, but you can get a feel of it will be a fit.

My first time on a Rocket was the day I bought it. The dealership was 2 hours from home, so unless the bike was a dog, I was planning on buying.
The big girl was a little intimidating and as everyone knows, a bear at walking speeds. The route was uninteresting and only afforded one good run up from a stop but the ergos did fit. If I had let the test ride make up my mind, I wouldn't be a Rocket Captain. Maybe if the Touring had the power of the Roadster out of the box....?
Now I can't imagine what could replace it!

Anyway, I figure most bikes need a courtship where you push it and upgrade. Some bikes work some don't, I don't think you can tell without it sitting in your own garage for a few weeks.
I figure the guy did right set it up with the dealer so if he didn't like it once it arrives no harm since no miles. His point about the way it feels sitting on it is valid or some of us would not have already stated we would like the pull back bars of the gt with the gt passenger stuff and the R foot peg locations. All in all he nailed it like about half way back they either quit designing or changed designers. But it is kind of like two different bikes stuck together.

Well of course thats good with the multi piece frame they might be able to attach a real arse end to the bike for people that ride further then around the block !!!

I don't know that I have ever heard your "how I ended up with a Rocket" story Scott ?
I don't know that I have ever heard your "how I ended up with a Rocket" story Scott ?
No atory seen two at a dealer and new what I wanted. Later that year road the same one home will the wifey was in the UP. Took the her a couple weeks to realize I had changed the color on my bike. It was funny until the boy pointed out to her that it was a new bike not the old one.

My dealer wouldn't budge $1 either.

Our wives sound a lot alike, someone asked her what kind of bikes I had, she said mostly black ones. My CB750, Dynaglide, and Rocket were all black, I bought a GSXR 600, black also, and on a bet parked it in the driveway for a week before putting it in the barn, she never noticed it.
To be fair, who among us notice everything our better halves bring home ? It's just a practical aspect of sharing lives.

Oh I understand, even myself, before I rode, if someone asked me what kind of motorcycle someone rode, I'd say, I dunno, the two wheeled kind, wasn't something I'd notice.