Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

I was hoping the shirts had something about the venom trails on them.
Ime not really liking these shirts much.
Maybe its just me. Ime just not feeling the rocket launch...
Friday we will be riding the snake routes of the venom trails (The rattler and the copperhead)
Breathitt County Adventure Trails - Motorcycle

Saturday we will be riding a longer version of the red river gorge scenic byway. Red River Gorge Scenic Byway - Photos , The Red River Gorge Geological Area , Red River Gorge Online

Sunday we will be completing our venom trail [COLOR=#0054a6 !important][COLOR=#0054a6 !important]tour[/COLOR] riding the spider routes (the fatal fiddler and the Black widow) Breathitt County Adventure Trails - Motorcycle [/COLOR]

This is what I was talking about.The route Steve has planned includes the venom trail.
thanks booger Dave
OK . . RAA5 version 2. I can still change this one up a bit if needed.
I only have so much room so something had to go. Eastern Region was the victim. I am planning on doing this logo embroidered on polos and tees and whatever eles you guys want . . hats, koozies, etc.

As for the other screen printed design, it is just kind of an afterthought and I am going to leave that as is. I've had a couple of good comments on that one and since there are only going to be a couple dozen at most printed, I dont want to start getting into a bunch of colors and artwork or it will start getting pricey. Hopefully one of these designs will appeal to folks.