Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

I was hoping the shirts had something about the venom trails on them.
Ime not really liking these shirts much.:confused:
Maybe its just me. Ime just not feeling the rocket launch...:eek:
Friday we will be riding the snake routes of the venom trails (The rattler and the copperhead)
Breathitt County Adventure Trails - Motorcycle

Saturday we will be riding a longer version of the red river gorge scenic byway. Red River Gorge Scenic Byway - Photos , The Red River Gorge Geological Area , Red River Gorge Online

Sunday we will be completing our venom trail [COLOR=#0054a6 !important][COLOR=#0054a6 !important]tour[/COLOR] riding the spider routes (the fatal fiddler and the Black widow) Breathitt County Adventure Trails - Motorcycle [/COLOR]

This is what I was talking about.The route Steve has planned includes the venom trail.
thanks booger Dave
OK . . RAA5 version 2. I can still change this one up a bit if needed.
I only have so much room so something had to go. Eastern Region was the victim. I am planning on doing this logo embroidered on polos and tees and whatever eles you guys want . . hats, koozies, etc.

As for the other screen printed design, it is just kind of an afterthought and I am going to leave that as is. I've had a couple of good comments on that one and since there are only going to be a couple dozen at most printed, I dont want to start getting into a bunch of colors and artwork or it will start getting pricey. Hopefully one of these designs will appeal to folks.