Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

Uncle Jesse, mighty fine choice of Cardinal Red and Heretik Black. At first glance that appears to be a Tourer? Mighty fine choice! It is actually Phantom Black.

XhdSkip, it were 29 total with the two Rockets that stopped in briefly on Saturday and the darksiders were 47% of the total, at that time.
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Not a bad showing for a bunch of Triumph fanatics huh?
Good people,
Good times,
Good memories,
Good hosts too.
Excellent ride coordination by the Scowherds.
I look forward to this one being better still.
More darksiders this time???
we are pulling out all the stops for this one after all it's my home state I need to represent the fine state of Kentucky. Booger Dave designs are looking good Put me down for 2 of what ever you end up with ..... anybody up for doing patches?
Thank rainman I have you all as confirmed.. Anyone planning on coming please reserve as early as possible that way I can expand the number of room I have blocked out .. Just want to make sure we all can stay at the same place if at all possible......
we are pulling out all the stops for this one after all it's my home state I need to represent the fine state of Kentucky. Booger Dave designs are looking good Put me down for 2 of what ever you end up with ..... anybody up for doing patches?

I'll do the patches and pins again if there are no objections.
Any patch ideas are welcome and appreciated.
I'm thinking the pins could be along the lines of what I posted months ago those brass looking ones
with the little rings at the bottom for the place names,
I'll have to see if I can find a picture.
Them little bars are almost as expensive as the pins.
But as the years roll by and we add to them,
they will look good.
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Steve I'm going to try to be there. Had fun last spring even though I didn't ride much. This one sounds like fun. Count me as a maybe. Ive had back problems so if I do show up, I might need a refreshment!