Rocket3 Roadster Trike - Differential ratio question

Got out on the road yesterday, but sadly not fixed my clutch problem , thinking of fitting an extra driven plate in the clutch? next step would be to fit the 225x40x17 tire
Sorry to hear that. DId it help at all? You should have had a meaningful reduction in overall gearing. You can tell by how much it threw off your speedo I would think. You might need to be a lot closer to the 3.6/3.7 range to really make this work.

Did it feel any more sprightly once underway?
Thanks Taz, it did have a quite a reduction going by the speedo and using my TomTom. I think the damage was already done. My son is going to fit a new clutch in a few weeks time, Barnett out of stock at the moment. Do you know if its possible to put an extra driven plate in the clutch?
Glad it had some effect. Once a clutch starts to slip, especially if severely, the damage is typically done. Sorry, can't answer on the driven plate in the clutch.
Glad it had some effect. Once a clutch starts to slip, especially if severely, the damage is typically done. Sorry, can't answer on the driven plate in the clutch.
Thanks Taz will try asking Barnett .
I don't know how hard the clutch is to get out, but if I were going to all the trouble to shim the springs, and my clutch was already slipping, I just put in an all new clutch and springs. As mentioned otherwise, just get the Carpenter ones or shim new ones. Don't use the old springs if you already have it apart.
Not the quickest motorcycle clutch to repair - hope to get Carpenter springs in time. Will try to order Monday.
Hi Taz,

Just had a long weekend away about 700 miles all in. At long last the clutch is behaving and pulls well in all gears with no sign of slip so i guess the carpenter springs and the reduction in gearing using a lower profile tire has done the trick. For the UK guys we were staying in Scarborough so had a few laps round Olivers mount (that is one extreme race track) then went down to Cadwell park the next day for a sidecar meeting where i met up with my buddy Paul who built my trike. Two of his outfits were racing that day. As soon as we hit Scotland on the way back it started raining. 85 miles of hell on the motorway. Very character building . Steering damper now working well. I have a spare ABS unit that i want to get overhauled anyone know anywhere in the UK?

As you can see in the picture it had mostly stopped raining at this point, 2 miles from home.


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