I saw those somewhere , but only women were wearing them and nothing saying unisex. My masculinity might be under further attack if wore a pair in front of the guys I ride with. I underwent enough verbal abuse when I wore the ones I made on for the first time. One of the guys wife is a psychologist, so he took a picture and said his wife could help me if I would call her. I told him to kiss my arse and bite me! We rode on, but my shins were much warmer. They kept their distance, so I wouldn't embarrass them. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I decided I have no shame when it come to being cold!!
Today, Sunday 9 July a little before noon. Jack and I were northbound on PA 32 River Road, just south of Point Pleasant PA. We spotted a Blue or Green and Cream 2 tone (Classic?) in the parking lot between the Delaware Canal and the old closed Inn.
First I have seen since the Gathering of the Nortons in April.
Sunday 24 June in Newfield Twp, NJ. A black Rocket heading west on US 40 at 11 am. Driver wearing a red jacket and yellow helmet. I was on mine, waiting to cross at Lake Rd. Anybody?