Rocket Sightings

I saw those somewhere , but only women were wearing them and nothing saying unisex. My masculinity might be under further attack if wore a pair in front of the guys I ride with. I underwent enough verbal abuse when I wore the ones I made on for the first time. One of the guys wife is a psychologist, so he took a picture and said his wife could help me if I would call her. I told him to kiss my arse and bite me! We rode on, but my shins were much warmer. They kept their distance, so I wouldn't embarrass them. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I decided I have no shame when it come to being cold!!
Today, Sunday 9 July a little before noon. Jack and I were northbound on PA 32 River Road, just south of Point Pleasant PA. We spotted a Blue or Green and Cream 2 tone (Classic?) in the parking lot between the Delaware Canal and the old closed Inn.

First I have seen since the Gathering of the Nortons in April.
Sunday 24 June in Newfield Twp, NJ. A black Rocket heading west on US 40 at 11 am. Driver wearing a red jacket and yellow helmet. I was on mine, waiting to cross at Lake Rd. Anybody?
Sorry I missed ya', Bob! (By about 80 miles)

Hope all's well with you and your'ns.
Just back from 11 day trip to the U.P. of Michigan.

Last night in Warren, OH at 8:30 pm, a black R3T was 2 up and heading east on Market Street by the town square. I was walking with two other friends.
Last Thursday July 19 around 4:00 PM I was heading north on route 25 off Cape Cod and a I saw a Roadster going south near the wind mills?