Old man on a bike
Well done but ya forgot the furry bits! Everything has been done before:
Price:AU $25.99 Approximately US $19.94
+AU $6.99 shipping
New Unisex Motorcycle Rider Leather Half Chaps Legging Leg Cover Warmer Gaiter L | eBay
Shop around and check with seller first: When mine (below) arrived from the same seller they were actually sewn from leather patchs, but for the price I thought WTH and put them away for winter.
AU $30.99
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Approximately US $23.77(including shipping)
Buy another
Unisex Motorcycle Rider Leather Half Chaps Legging Leg Cover Warmer Gaiter L | eBay
I saw those somewhere , but only women were wearing them and nothing saying unisex. My masculinity might be under further attack if wore a pair in front of the guys I ride with. I underwent enough verbal abuse when I wore the ones I made on for the first time. One of the guys wife is a psychologist, so he took a picture and said his wife could help me if I would call her. I told him to kiss my arse and bite me! We rode on, but my shins were much warmer. They kept their distance, so I wouldn't embarrass them. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I decided I have no shame when it come to being cold!!