Part of upcoming EURO standards, I can't remember if it's only a proposal or already in effect, is that the ECUs are locked.
iirc that came into effect with Euro4 - the New R3 will be Euro5.
The older R3 was Euro3 - and the R3 was sold post Euro4 with Euro3 ECUS in because there were provisions in the law that allowed "old tech" if the engine had not been altered for an additional year (to clear stock basically).
As and when that provision ended the R3 ceased to be sold in the EU - in fact it disappeared from EU webs and catalogues well before.
Post Eu4 bikes can be reflashed with OEM tools - so there is a way in. The issue with a low volume vehicle like the R3 is that the R+D for a piggy back mfr (or ECU HACKER) needs a ROI (generally - Alain is a rare exception). Will there be a demand to justify R+D? - I'm not sure. No really I'm not.
More mainstream marques (KTM for example) with Eu4 are already being accessed within months of release - but usually by folk who are being VERY tight lipped as to how.
There are also piggy back options - and not only PCV family.
One thing I have read about Eu4 is that due to the dual (before/after cat) Lambda, it is very hard to use simple trickery. There is an expected Delta hard wired in.
imo - for the average user - tinkering will become near untenable. Folk with time, patience, obsession and let's not be coy - money, will still have options.
My mate in Madrid with a Guzzi shop tells me that the number of "home tuned" bikes he now sees has dropped away to almost nothing.
And those he does are generally to ask for it to be returned stock. Whilst he, like me, likes to "play" - he admits on a business level it has been a godsend.
Boring, but so much easier and profitable.
My thoughts are clear - If I want a bike to tinker with - it will be a pre-Euro4 bike and maybe even older still.
My thoughts on the New R3 are less clear. I do not feel it suits my needs/wants as is - and can't see an easy path to get it where I'd want it.
Aesthetically - I really don't know.