Rocket R and Rocket GT video

I agree- I often camp when touring on my Roadster (with windshield and bags). I'll bet more functional bags will come out. A better touring windshield too, but I hope it's better than our current options. Triumph needs to take a cue from BMW on their motorized shield design. In any event, I would shed some gear and strap more higher on the pillion and make it work.
I dont understand what's wrong with a cruiser design. Why does everything have to look like a weird alien sportbike hybrid

One beauty of the old cruiser design is that it's a wolf in sheep's clothing. I kind of like that. BUT the new design, to me, shows off exactly what the bike has always actually been.... a cruiser that, beneath the lambs wool, is actually "a weird alien sport bike." OK, cruiser/sport bike.

I predict that the Rocket will go from virtually unknown to widely recognized by all with an interest in motorcycles (maybe even Harley riders) as one big fast MF.

{age 59 and love the new design}
I have been drooling over this new R3 for weeks now. The dealership is taking $500 deposits and says demand is high here in the US. So, we might get more than 250 of the TFCs originally planned for the US.

Wish I could justify the $30,000 price. But, alas I can't. So, I am just going to tinker with my '05.

I'm 52 and love it! Obviously.
I think that a 33% reduction in the fuel tank is a bit of an issue as well, and I am not sure that I would be happy having to fill up every 100 miles or so.
I think that a 33% reduction in the fuel tank is a bit of an issue as well, and I am not sure that I would be happy having to fill up every 100 miles or so.
I do that now - and it pisses me off. But I am no doubt running at RBT (@Claviger knows why - no blame)
100 miles for me is a break every hour to 1.5 roughly, fine with that.

New one can't be tuned, so it'll be at LBT, meaning, 120-150 tank range, very similar to many bikes on the road.