Rocket Owners Northwest

Sounds great! I look forward to meeting everyone in Pasco! Please keep me in the loop for when and where.
Would like to be included in Rocket Owners North West--That would be seabum, Al, Damascus Oregon
or GLENGOYNE if you do not care for the "peated" taste
Thanks 1olbull, unfortunately it's a no for me this year for RAA, I have my brother in law's wedding the same week. There is always next year. I will be at the 14th annual RAT RAID in Nelson BC, just a little north of you in July
I will be there too!
Would like to be included in Rocket Owners North West--That would be seabum, Al, Damascus Oregon

Consider yourself add, Amigo!

@1olbull - Steve - Tacoma,WA
@Phil R - Phil - Kennewick, WA
@R3R Torque - Gary E. - Benton City, WA

@rocket Roger - Roger - Pacso, WA
@Idaho Red Rocket 3 - Bill - Nampa, ID
@Bob R - Bob - Spokane, WA
@trimix - Paul - Marysville, WA

@smokit2 - ??? - Evanston, WY
@albertaduke - Pierre - Calgaty, CA

@Douglas - Ardberg Man - Anchorage, AK
@Torque addict - Brent - Everett, WA
@Dawg68 - Kevin - Edmonton Alberta, Canada

@seabum - Al - Damascus, OR

This was a test by me to see if this new @ thingo works and notifies folks of a message.
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The "Cool Summer Nights" car show runs from June 19 - 22 and the West Richland Hogs and Dogs bike meet/show happens on June 19.

The "Cool Summer Nights" car show runs from June 19 - 22 and the West Richland Hogs and Dogs bike meet/show happens on June 19.

We are fixing to spend the night of the 19th around Pasco after meeting Rocket Roger and hopefully having dinner together.
Once I know what his plans are, I intend to try and hook up with another couple friends in Kennewick and Richland.
I shall keep you posted as plans develop. I just realized we have a short ride to Nampa, ID the following day; so, perhaps we could do a morning jaunt through the show before riding out.
Just curious. From Nampa,ID are you planning on taking I-84W heading south @ the junction east of Twin Falls, or over to I-15 and then south. Let me throw this out there. Pocatello is at the junction @ I-15. If by chance you come through town, let me know. I could have the BBQ fired up. A quick lunch on me ( I know this is a long leg to Vernal, so you'll be wanting to make good time down to there ) So if you want you can chow down, fuel up and roll. Offer stands, let me know.