Riding Motor Since 1950
Still planning on it. I am keeping an eye on the forecast though. Don't really want to go in the rain. Got home from our family vacation today to find my new Exedra Max on the porch. Lot's of meat on that thing! Wow. Guess I'll just have to smoke the rest of the Metz off of there. I like your start point in Fife. Saves me from having to drive down to Longview all by myself. That's a mighty boring stretch on 5 from Olympia to Longview. But looks like maybe we won't go that far south after all? Fine with me if you want to shake things up a bit.[/QUOTE]@Torque addict
Are you still on board or am I the only Rocket in this show?
Thanks for your response.
The Longview thingy was for the out of state Rockets that were coming. Sadly they had to withdraw, so I set the Poodle Dog because it was just off I-5 and on your way. How early can you get to Fife? Pretty sure a friend is coming down from Monroe as well.
Would like to meet for breakfast at 8 AM and kicks up at 9 AM. If too early, 'spose we could kick that back an hour.
send me an email - motorbull@Hotmail.com - and I'll send you the proposed route.