Rocket owners average age!

I am 75 and still riding a few different bikes. My wife who is still a fox at 50 and I will be riding on a two thousand or more mile trip shortly and we are taking the Rocket. I already made an appointment at Freedom Cycle in Reno to get a service and some new tires. I don't like being the oldest guy on here but maybe I am an inspiration to some of the guys still in their sixties. Here is a picture of a bike we finished restoring ten days ago. Its a 1970 Triumph and its a blast to ride even today. Soon I will be tired of riding it and it will reside in the spot my wife made for it in the living room. Seems much better than a painting of a bowl of fruit or some other kind of art for the living room. I will ride it occasionally on an antique motorcycle meet or to a car show but the rest of the time it will be motorcycle art in the living room. By the way we only live in a single story 1300 square foot house. I also posted a picture of Gina and me when we got married in a drive thru wedding chapel here in Vegas on our V8 Chopper. The minister was also hot!

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56 and took my dad dirt bike riding up til 4 years ago he's 89 next month.hope to still be riding at that age
In the Antique Motorcycle Club of America there are many riders in their eighties. They do not ride daily or modern bikes but they do ride antique motorcycles on the club rides once in a while. I had two of these guys who I looked up to pass last year. This survey was supposed to figure the average age of those still riding Rocket 3 bikes. The average age of Harley riders is probably a little different and the average age of sport bike riders will also be different. I notice a lot of the older guys going to trikes. Triumph would be wise to make trikes with the Rocket 3 motor if they want to tap into a lucrative market.
I know that when I get to where I need a trike, I will still want the power!
So, I agree with LV Dave.