64 in March Started riding when I was 13. Red and gray 305 Super Hawk. Man! I really thought I was a stud. Believe it or not, there were other motorcycles at the junior high school I attended from 7th to 9th grade. There were two 305's, a 250 Scrambler, a 650 Tiger, a red and gray 160 Hawk, a 250? Allstate oil burner, and a handful of nifty thrifty Honda 50s. None of us had any sort of drivers license. My how times have changed.
BTW-that 2cycle Allstate was the loudest motorcycle I have ever heard with the baffles removed. Plus it wasn't at all a pretty sound. Not the bumble bee in a beer can sound at all. More like cannons being shot off in an irregular pattern. I had forgotten about that bike. Thanks for the post and stirring old memories.