Rocket owners average age!

At 23 years old, I was diagnosed with severe spinal inflammation and my future life in a wheelchair. 43 years later I grit my teeth but it hurts less riding a motorcycle than sitting in a chair. Ride your bike and get pleasure !
The new bikes are definitely a more refined ride and the weight and size are so deceiving. It has clean trim lines.
The older bikes have an intimidation factor. It is like they look back at you are say, "are you sure."
You can never forget that first time you sat on it and looked down at that tank and felt the whole bike torque when you twisted the throttle.
The new bikes sneak up on you and you have your hands full before you know it.
Anyway that is how I see it.
Both take an advanced skill set to ride. Both demand respect.
We are Captains one and all.

P.S. I'm 61 and love my R3T
The intimidation factor... very true... and I now LOVE what I once was intimidated by... :sneaky: ...and she still holds A LOT of respect...
My first first time and that torque wobble... remember like it was yesterday... in fact I kinda got a little... ummm nevermind... :whitstling:
Captains one and all... INDEED! :thumbsup::cool:
53 here...
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