Rocket owners average age!

Some would say I went about learning to ride all wrong...

Started on a 1000 at 30 having never ridden.
Jumped to a Rocket at 34, first cruiser ever.
Carpenter Baby kit at 36, first bike I drag raced.
Carpenter big kit at 37, hopefully first bike I put in the 9s.

Quite content now . Took me 7 years to find Nirvana, but it was a fantastic journey.

Just remember what I said!!!
I've wondering lately if there's any significant difference between the ave age of 2.3 v 2.5 riders.

It's fairly well accepted that 2.3 riders are more skilful - we do more with less - and are definitely better looking so we probably don't need to bother measuring those variables...
A lot of us old geezers have purchased the new 2.5l bikes so I’d say the riders of the new bikes are just as old, or older.

I would expect the 2.5 bikes to sell better with a slightly younger crowd.
You had me until you said "we do more with less." The rest you're right on the mark.