Rocket owners average age!

Don't see many (it's the leathers) biker chicks like that any more. Not here anyway.

Here is the ‘leather chick’ of the 70s - Suzi Quattro!
Many a youthful moment was spent dribbling over that young lady! Always waiting for Top of the Pops BBC to be shown on a Thursday evening just in case she was on...
Turning 64 in Feb. Had to get a Rocket before I die. (Got a R3T & Love it). Now I want a Classic Rocket III, too, for the big rear tire and Dual gauges, plus more HP. Oh, the dilemma!!
Suzi Quattro played Pinkies sister 'Leather' Tuscadero

My mate looks after her home/property in Essex. She is lovely and is a very grounded person and isn’t at all up herself (as opposed to another friend who works for Stella Macartney and has met Madonna several times - not nice at all). In her house she has an “ego room” and that is the only show of her past success ie gold/platinum albums. Nowhere else in the house does she “show off”. Oh and she has the most amazing collection of celebrity sunglasses (ie James Dean’s sunnies, Frank Sinatra’s etc...). She still sings and performs and whilst the leather is a little bit more snug than in her youth, she’s still got it!!!
Did all you geezers hit dementia and forget what this thread was about? I guess I'm just a baby to yall at an infants age of 45.

Look at the young’un - when you get older/old, you’re allowed to ramble on about whatever you like! Just because the thread on the inter web machine says one thing, we can talk about whatever we like!! We don’t know how much time we have left to talk sh*t so we have to take advantage of every minute!!!