Rocket owners average age!

Were they acquired from Windsor perhaps or maybe Buck House in the dead of night??

Nah, Grumpy, the Queen's consorts likely wouldn't abide commoners like us. We've only had our Corgis keeping us as pets for 22 years, unlike your monarch and the Queen Mother who've been kept by the dwarf dogs for nearly 85 years!

Our remaining Corgi, Chico, (lost our female, Zoey, last March to cancer) and his late sister were born and bred by a regional breeder up in The Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania - part of the Appalachian Mtn Range - about 90 miles northeast from home. What wonderful creatures they are!
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I did the count, and math last time. Let one of the youngsters do it this time.

Scott, wasn't the average like 53 years back then?
Me also reckons that one of our astute young members take on this task.
Whomever takes on the challenge must take care not to include duplicate posts.
Come on, younguns! Step up an do the tally . . .