Rocket owners average age!

i am sorry for your broken tibial.:sick: take it easy and make a good come back.u can kick back and listen to our music and watch the videos. thumbs up on recovery:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
i figure that if we put in your real age at 109 then the average age would be at about 60:laugh::laugh:
Ah, that fine sea air you live and breath in should help to keep you young at heart, Codger, if not rather salty!:roll:

I see that you don't live too far from where my beloved Corgis hale from originally.;)
Bugger...and I thought I was just a mere youngster here at **. :p:p

58 last year... but based on my wife’s comments I have a mental age of 16, however I now use the leap year calendar as my basis of age, which makes me 14.5... how could she get it so wrong!!!
Ah, that fine sea air you live and breath in should help to keep you young at heart, Codger, if not rather salty!:roll:

I see that you don't live too far from where my beloved Corgis hale from originally.;)
Were they acquired from Windsor perhaps or maybe Buck House in the dead of night??