Rocket owners average age!

Yes, the Mulberry Mistress was reclaimed from Triumph of Philadelphia (formerly Manyunk Triumph) a bit over two weeks ago, Jim. They did a great job putting her back together almost 'as new'.

Between work and the weather, though, I've only been able to ride once more since then, but it sure feels great to be back in the saddle!:thumbsup:

Now, stop sassin' me, Junior!!!:p

Guess I missed this . . . What happened - in 25 words or less! :roll: :sick:
62 this year, full time job (a bit high powered) and a "hobby" of riding around Australia doing Men's Health checks/talks ......... oh ....... and a wife who once told me that "you have too many motorcycles ...... its about time you built another shed" .... what a woman.
Guess I missed this . . . What happened - in 25 words or less! :roll: :sick:

Forgot about an off camber curve atop a twisty mountain road a mile from home. Jumped a "hidden" curb - sustained an extreme tibial plateau fracture.

Forgot about an off camber curve atop a twisty mountain road a mile from home. Jumped a "hidden" curb - sustained an extreme tibial plateau fracture.

OUCH! I compounded a knee involving that and twas serious.
I was just able to return to work without a limp, but I never regained the ability to straighten out my left leg.
Hope you fare better and heal fast & WELL!
Thanks for the dope.
Forgot about an off camber curve atop a twisty mountain road a mile from home. Jumped a "hidden" curb - sustained an extreme tibial plateau fracture.

That sounds nasty! Glad you seem to have a positive attitude which always helps recovery.
Tibial plateau fracture - Wikipedia

How is your leg re nerve and blood flow etc? Seems they can be a bigger issue than the break itself.