Rocket owners average age!

Going to be 55 but feeing like a old man having problems with my hips and knees, I guess it's pay back for all the sports I did. Lol

It does for me. Some people have the aches and pains and have nothing to tell or show for it.
I can see my son telling this girl about the wild days with dad in Texas.
Surely you have good stories to tell.
Get it fixed and regain your Moyo.

Just turned 55. Can't believeit. I should have gotten one of these 13yrs ago when they came out. I can feel the torque peel the years away when I take off on it. Just an absolute rush when I ride!! C'm on Boys!! off we go!
Last time this went around, seems like the average was 53 or 54 years.
Me thinks it has likely lowered some in recent years.