Rocket owners average age!

Weighing in late (haven't logged on in a while), but I'll be 50 in August. Still a pup by comparison! :D
I don't believe they have calendars going back that far....
Funny you should say that. I get on one of those drop-down boxes to show DOB and I have to scroll a long way down to find the year. Discrimination, it is!
Alright , fellas, this sniping against your seniors has got to stop!!! I was raised to respect my elders, which becomes harder and harder to do as Father Time continually advances in his inexorable march toward infinity.

Which reminds me, does anyone here know the difference between an Aussie and a buzzard?...

At least a buzzard waits until you're dead before it eats your heart out!
I think it's kind of cool .. that a bunch of blokes who should really have given away riding bikes are actually out there riding the worlds largest production motorcycle .. a lot of those blokes are daily or regular riders ... age shall not weary them :thumbsup:
A very good series of erudite comments here!
Ruzzle - You be RIGHT ON, the old years should be at the damm top to prevent carpal tunnel from mouse scrolling.
Canberra - the BC comment made me spit coffee!
Phil - besides our mates, the buzzard analogy would apply to ex-wives.
TC - I love ya, Mate! You be a softie at heart.