Having a broken shift lever reminds me of a guy I was riding with. He would check to see if it was in first, over and over again by heavy boot stomping of the shift lever. Looks like it is already bent down.
I like the Indians just fine, but I don't foresee me getting rid of the R3T. Certainly not in any hurry, and quite possibly not at all. Whether or not I'll develop issues with it is in the hands of the motoring gods but if it happens, it happens.
I wished i could afford the "supercub" I flew one in my younger years what a thrill on floats with wingtip booster it would get off the water in 10 seconds or less
Having a broken shift lever reminds me of a guy I was riding with. He would check to see if it was in first, over and over again by heavy boot stomping of the shift lever. Looks like it is already bent down.
The first thing I did on my Rocket 3 Touring was to unbolt the heel shifter part of the shifter (was very relieved it was in two pieces and not a one-piece heel/toe). It uses up lots of unnecessary floorboard space but above all I don't feel I have nearly enough control stomping down with a heel. I prefer to manipulate the shift lever a bit more delicately with the front of the foot. The gear box is hardly sophisticated and precise, but it also doesn't require huge amounts of force.
The first thing I did on my Rocket 3 Touring was to unbolt the heel shifter part of the shifter (was very relieved it was in two pieces and not a one-piece heel/toe). It uses up lots of unnecessary floorboard space but above all I don't feel I have nearly enough control stomping down with a heel. I prefer to manipulate the shift lever a bit more delicately with the front of the foot. The gear box is hardly sophisticated and precise, but it also doesn't require huge amounts of force.
I did the same thing ,and rotated the lever a couple of splines higher to accommodate the toe my size 13 boot and as you say it gives you more floorboard room ,you cannot rotate the lever with the heel shifter in place the mounting bolt fouls on the shifter support frame .
$1000 minor, Sorry, my rice burners never done me like that. Would have felt better if the dealer told me the new spring was an upgrade-improved design etc, but it's the same part.
Ahh, Colorado's just letting off some steam. Better here, than going out and taking a hammer to the ole Rocket. I hope we don't scare him off. This is a great site, and hearing about other peoples problems adds to all the great info on this site. He'll get the bugs worked out, and realize what a nice piece of machinery he has.
I don't know if you guys saw this announcement and I can't remember where or from whom I rec'd it, but Triumph USA has implemented a 24x7 emergency hotline for we owners that will provide us with info, directions and/or help getting to or in touch with their dealerships should we have a need.
It's a step in the right direction, but they have a long way to go, IMO, to develop a more robust and reliable dealership and parts network
Phil, the number wasprovided in a blurb that accompanied a article reviewint the new Thunderbird commander and LT models, published in a great regional motorycling enthusiasts magazine by a husband and wife team here in Jersey called Backroads Motorcycle Tour Magazine. I highly recommend it to any and all that share our passion for being in the breeze.
The article i cited above was written by the former GM for Triumph Motorcycles America Ltd, a direct report to John Bloor before he retired by the name of Mike Vaughn. His excellent article and the blurb about Triumph's hotline is in Backroads' May 2014 issue, Volume 20, #5 on pp 30-31. Here's a link to their site: www.backroadsusa.com
The new 24/7/365 Triumph Customer Service Hotline is (888)284-6288
Vibrations ??? Well, She's still running, 3rd final drive isn't seeping oil, yet. The buzz is still there, hard to explain. Like a rubber mounted engine, that suddenly lost one of the rubbers, if you can imagine what I mean. Decided with warranty being what it is, to just run her and see what falls off. Hopefully, not me! Still insanely hooked on the power of these jewels on 2 wheels. Hardly and Kaw growing dust again.
I have two friends that bought the older newer Indians for $35,000 and love them, how can Polaris drop the price $16,000 without cutting corners some where. I have the heal toe shifters on my RK and Rocket and i just breath on it with my size 12 boot and it goes into gear with ease. I probably would have broken the final drive plug too if it wasn't for listening to the 2004 Rocket pioneers. I've always kept my bikes garaged and on the battery tenders. Ten years riding the Rocket and my biggest gripe is finding a dealer that stays in business for more than a year or having to go two hundred miles to find one that knows what they're doing.....I maintain and change the fluids on the dime not so much the RK because if something goes wrong i can get the Harley fixed for parts and a six pack...!