Rocket III pricing

Bei Facebook anmelden Not around Tulsa, you can find Rockets as cheap as $3000 in perfectly working order, there was a RocketX with 16k miles available for $6500, did not sell, last i saw the price was $5500. This one is pretty cheap as well.

Looks like link dont work, it is a 2014 for 6500, there is also a Carpenter 240 for $7200, that is cheap if you ask me
With reference to first generation Rockets prices going up, as lot of you know that’s down to Triumph’s design of the new Rocket3, it’s not exactly passenger friendly is it. I took the wife to see the new model, and she took one look and said “I’m not getting on that!”
My 2005 isn't passenger friendly either. My wife took one ride and told me never again.
There are no salvage yards in Munich and surround, nothing, zero. They think that it's better to destroy everything and make new things like that is not producing carbon dioxide at all.
That's nonsense - I thought the greens were all about reusing things. I certainly am. I'm having my old bikes restored, rather than buying new ones.
That's nonsense - I thought the greens were all about reusing things. I certainly am. I'm having my old bikes restored, rather than buying new ones.
Being a Brit, I know what acim is on about, Germany is part of the EU (European Community) and Germany also have the strictest Vehicle Safety regulations in Europe.
The EU is dominated by a green agenda and a few years ago they tightened up on the Vehicle Salvage yard regulations in all member States, to stop people putting on worn parts. To such an extent, it became virtually impossible to profitably run a Salvage yard, the days of rummaging around a yard looking for the parts you wanted disappeared. Everything literally doubled or in some cases tripled in price, as the Salavge yards had to do all the stripping themselves. It got to the point, in cases it’s cheaper to buy new.
With the parts I want for my A65T, parts on eBay are expensive, there are a few British bike breakers in the U.K. but again expensive, prices in the US are far more reasonable, but it’s the postage prices that kill me buying in the States.
That's me. I recently bought a 1979 Honda CBX and a 1982 Honda CX500 Turbo.
CX500 TURBO,,,,,, When i came to the States at the tender age of 16, living in Anaheim Ca, working at a famous restaurant called The White House, i walked to work from La Palma Av to Katella, on Anaheim Blvd, (The Orange County residents will know what i'm talking about)... I had to walk by the Honda dealership, who happened to have a CX500 TURBO on display at the window, brand new 1985. At that time, in may eyes, it was the most beautiful thing i ever saw, it was way out of my reach, even 10 years later, i had to settle for a used 1975 Honda 550, cant remember the model. Dozens of bikes came and went, and as of now, i still have yet to own the bike that made me dream about riding allover this great country. Not losing hope tho, some day one will fall in my hands.
My 2005 isn't passenger friendly either. My wife took one ride and told me never again.
Strange.. my wife said the opposite. Also some of my family loves to ride too including my older sister and my son who is 8
Being a passenger on a motorcycle is not for the faint of heart and especially with an aggressive rider or a newb who has little experience going 2 up
I say the rocket is a good 2 up ride of you have a big backseat
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