Rocket III Engine Swap

Art have you considered bringing these bikes to Bonneville Salt Flat time trials events like Speed Week held each August ?

Good question. Well I still have a lot of work to do yet to have the 2.5 Supercharged Carpenter running and fully mapped.

Right now I'm deliberating on what to do between now (riding the stroker around, enjoying it) and the end game of being 2.5 Supercharged Carpenter bike.
If I were to upgrade my 2.3L supercharged Carpenter engine head from the 240 grade to the 265 grade, before swapping the Carpenter bits over to the 2.5L, I could build probably the most powerful NA Rocket in the world, on the way to the 2.5L Supercharged Carpenter.

But that head upgrade is a couple of $$$$ grand. I suppose the bigger intake valves and cam would serve me well when going forced induction though too.

When it's all done, a trip to the Salt Flats?
Well, that'd be quite a trip across the Atlantic. Guess I'd have to do a lot of chassis work too, suspension and aerodynamics etc.
Suppose going for cruiser records would be more achievable than outright motorcycle records? I don't know, never researched it. Anyone have the records for cruisers?

My thing has always been destroying souls of would-be challengers on the street, and the more soul-destroying the difference in performance is the better
I have been to the salt flats 3 times as crew chief for a privateer. We ran a ZX14 at 197, a 904 Thruxton at 140 and a relativity stock (exhaust mods) 1200 Thruxton R at 140. No records, but a lot of fun and the adventure meeting and seeing and watching all the events there. Many competitors came from all over the world. OZ, UK, Germany, Japan, Russia to name a few.

Very impressive and fascinating. I would love to see a dyno chart of the stroker.
Very impressive and fascinating. I would love to see a dyno chart of the stroker.

1st post here dude

I would like to say I really appreciate you taking the time to put this all up, I can follow the manual and this guide to remove my engine with a view to either split it myself to look for the gearbox issue, or find a good gearbox specialist in the south east of england to do so. I might have a go myself if I get tool required off eBay. (I've got an engine mount tool from eBay already)
I don't need to ride in the front of the pack but if I ever need to pass, we'll then, I will need to be faster. It's all about needs. (or am I wrong?}

I don't need to be in the front of the pack...... until I want to!!!

Records are done by Engine Displacement/Frame Class/Aspiration/Fuel Type. Displacements are done in brackets... the Rocket would be in the biggest bracket (2000cc -> 3000cc). The frame class would be 'P' (production) if you did it -completely- stock, 'M' (modified) for most modifications, and 'A' (special construction) for really crazy mods. If you add fairing/aero, it will put you in a 'MPS' or 'APS' class (for M and A, respectively). if you leave it NA, it would be either G or F (gas or fuel... nitrous oxide is considered NA, but a Fuel), with any sort of super/turbo it would be BG or BF (blown gas/blown fuel). As your bike sits with a rotrex on it the class would look like 3000 MPS-BG or 3000 MPS-BF, depending on the fuel you want to run. That little fairing (and some of those gauges...) move you from the M to MPS class, as they would be considered aerodynamic devices forward of the rider. No-fairing racing is much harder up above 170mph, but they have their own classes/records for a reason.

You wouldn't need much chassis work.... everything out there is pretty much backward from pavement racing, and you get at least 2 miles to get up to speed. That sounds like a lot, but try it on a slippery dirt road first and you can start to see that it takes an unorthodox approach.

If you ever want to come out to the salt, shoot me a PM... I can set you up with a rulebook and what you'd need to have to come and run for Speed Week specifically, and I'd be more than happy to help you come get some of those records if you came. There are also 2 different organizations/events you can run: "Speed Week" with the SCTA , and the "Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials" with the AMA/FIM usually held a few weeks after speed week Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials . I would personally recommend the second event (AMA/FIM... used to be called "BUBS").... it is motorcycle only, smaller, more relaxed, and World Record certification is available through the FIM if you want to go for it. You'll never meet a better bunch of like minded lunatics from all over the world. Speed Week is usually twice the size, but it is the full circus spectacle with 480mph+ piston driven streamliners and god only knows what else on any given year. Better organized with tougher records most of the time, but somehow not as warm and fuzzy as the bike-only event.

Records are really low for most of the classes you could put the rocket in, some of them are even "open", meaning that no attempt has ever been made with the combination. In that case you could go pretty slow and still set the first one. Right now the 3000 M/MPS BG/BF records are in the 130's-160's.... at least until next year. the 3000 A-BF/BG are OPEN, as well as the APS-BF. The APS-BG is somewhere in the 213's, iirc.

Fair warning, though.... it's tougher than you think on salt/dirt.... and makes a terminal heroine addiction feel like a mild craving for something salty, by comparison.