Rocket bore/stroke,vs. HD bore stroke

I had a 2004 fxdli tc88 bored to 95 c.i. and it still sounded like a harley, putting V & H 2-1 pro pipes made it sound more like a metric than the over sized pistons. I think i read harley has a 720 deg firing order giving it the unique sound, so triumph gives their cruisers a 270 deg firing order to fit in with the rest of the cruiser crowd. personally I love the sound of my rocket echoing back off the grill of some cager at 35-4000 rpm in top gear.
Yep 123 suck 123 squeeze 123 bang 123 blow...

But if 1 is sucking then 2 was blowing and 3 was banging...

Big ol orgy going on all at once...

Nope! While the firing order is 1-2-3 with a 120 degree evenly spaced crank, the spacing between firing is 240 degrees (two revolutions = 720 / 3 = 240). So when one cylinder is at TDC firing, one is at 240 degree after that or 120 degree BTDC on exhaust and the other is 120 ATDC into the intake stroke.

Nonetheless, a very satisfying orgy with a sound that only three siisters can make.
I just hear the DOHC four valve sound and like it a lot better than the 1937 OHV sound of the H.D. Technology, dependability and power mean more than sound! Audi has proven that once more at Le Mans this year, one, two finish.
Who is making the CES headers that you speak of?

Bloke in Brisbane .. thread ' rocket science' started by Bruce Aussie will answer all your questions .. a warning .. reading it could remove a good chunk of cash from your wallet mate
Went to a bike rally for Memorial Day Weekend. While putting around the campground, when bikes approached each other they would rev their engines a couple of times at each other. When they reved at me and I'd rev back, they wouldn't rev again. I told my GF, I guess they don't like the sound of my bike. She said, "I think it scares the crap out of them, the d@mn thing sounds like a race car".

Speedy, Me thinks Rockethead was referring to the 4 strokes of each of the TWO cylinders on a Harley.