Rocket 3R, Six weeks in.

Having lived in Sydney for few months I would have to say you guys have some of the worst roads in the country "pot holes joined with road base " if you are riding with your suspension as factory default i would think you would be getting a major rough ride - check out our video " Col and Zig shock setup " its on the forum and i would be interested on how you go - good write up
Awesome will definitely do that!
I just watched your’s a ripper thank you so much for sharing. I’ll be sure to try it tomorrow. I’ll let you know how I get on, thanks again.
Can´t find that video, sorry
you tube link and it's on a post
Ok, I knew I didn't know much about suspension setup - your settings are perfect for me. I just went for a ride having used your exact settings - completely transformed the riding experience. I went looking for good, thank you.
Very enjoyable post to read. I do agree with so much you have written even the filling problem. My first few fill ups were very embarrassing with gas going all over the place. I thought i had the problem but obviously not. Ive gotten better at it now by pointing the nozzle back towards the seat. I think it was poorly designed.
I like your choice of windscreen...might have to look into that.
I point the nozzle to the inner right side of the tank and don't have an issue. Straight up and down goes splat for sure.