Rocket 3 tee's anyone ? (revisited)

Would like 1 large but also, being a simple man, am not sure how I can pay you from UK without using paypal? sorry for the hassle
PM sent. I'm in for two. Hinckley would be my vote too but I'm easy.


Hi all, some of the fella's would like me to put the Hinkley logo on the shirts. I guess I currently have the Meridan logo. It will cost $50.00 to re-shoot the screens. I already have quite a few checks. I'd like to do it, I just don't have much wiggle room (my plan has never been to make money off these shirts). Any idea's ? Fred
Ok Im ready to send you the money when ya ready
2x each design = 4 x cost +postage just tell me what to send.


Hi Dennsell. There is only one shirt design. What you are seeing is the front and the back. Shirts are $13.00 U.S. each + $13.95 U.S. each for shipping. Let me know if you still want to order. Fred
I say, since your are doing this for us, the call is yours. I have no problem with the shirt as it is and since you already have checks, let's stick with what you have. Maybe use the Hickley logo on the 2012 collection



BTW check will be on its way on Monday