Rocket 3 tee's anyone ? (revisited)

Would like 1 large but also, being a simple man, am not sure how I can pay you from UK without using paypal? sorry for the hassle :eek:
Hi all, some of the fella's would like me to put the Hinkley logo on the shirts. I guess I currently have the Meridan logo. It will cost $50.00 to re-shoot the screens. I already have quite a few checks. I'd like to do it, I just don't have much wiggle room (my plan has never been to make money off these shirts). Any idea's ? Fred
Ok Im ready to send you the money when ya ready :D
2x each design = 4 x cost +postage just tell me what to send.


Hi Dennsell. There is only one shirt design. What you are seeing is the front and the back. Shirts are $13.00 U.S. each + $13.95 U.S. each for shipping. Let me know if you still want to order. Fred
I say, since your are doing this for us, the call is yours. I have no problem with the shirt as it is and since you already have checks, let's stick with what you have. Maybe use the Hickley logo on the 2012 collection :)



BTW check will be on its way on Monday