Rocket 3 Roadster ride report

I think so yes

Although the torque and bhp are increased over "basic", I think they are still retarded (very apt that) in the first few gears.
I am due to collect mine on 24/4. Getting pretty excited. My day to day riding is 10 miles into London Liverpool Street from Southfields and back. So I may have to get a scooter for that - although in the summer I cycle as much as I can.

In June I am off to the Alps. So that should be great fun. I don't aim to try and tear around the corners but sit back and enjoy.

I will let you know how I get on with it.

Thanks for your ride report.

Cheers Chris
Traffic - other than the pleasant thing of being able to power past anything (which my scooter also does but less convincingly obviously) it is a ***** and a nightmare.

In fact, I would go so far as to say, point to point, my scooter is far quicker, far comfier, and far more useful and sensible. This just confirms my theory.

Day to day, scooter wins hands down, convincingly with hugely significant clear water between the two. This thing is a PIG in traffic. Not comfortable, hot and unwieldy.

Very nice ride report - I have to strongly disagree with the above though - I do a 20 mile a day commute in stop-go holiday traffic avg 25-45mph, and a few blasts at 65 or so for 2-3 miles - I have no problems at all in traffic, the bike gets you respect, ppl will often move out of the way and let you blast by (helps with purple halogens), you're sitting up nice and high so can peep over cars and plan your moves well ahead, get yerself an ear-splitting Steibel horn and get used to using it instinctively, the suspension soaks up everything thrown at it, in fact I've hit one speed bump that I forgot about (had just o/taken a granny in a hearse-like Caddilac) - this was a 6ft wide 6inches high bastard, at 45 mph, and whilst I was thrown off the seat a few inches, the front end just shrugged off the incident, almost flattened the s/bump TBH did the same thing on another speed bump hidden in shadows at 30 mph, same thing - so, bullet proof suspension, and as was said earlier, counter-steering pays off big time, before making a turn at low speed do the wiggle, it works - read the write up in BIKE magazine recently, and yes the bike is LTD at 125mph and the first 3 gears to a big restriction - as HellFire sez, a GI pro is the way to go!

Any news Och2pot? I hope you survived getting the bike home in the snow and ice - did you see 47,000 homes without power that week!?!? And the horrible accidents?

Rather you than me in that mess!!

@Anders - I agree with the suppleness of the suspension - in my write up on the first page, I do make comment - the suspension is very well dampened on the Roadster, I do like it. Strikes a good balance imho. It is far better than the poor suspension on my scooter.

Its just not as quick in town as my scooter is though, and lately I have been getting 85mpg as my engine loosens up a bit.

Fill up once every two weeks for £8.20 or once every week for £20? Have to buy luggage to fix onto the bike or carry stuff inside my bike? Stay dry inside the scooter, or dress like a power ranger to be waterproof on a motorbike?

My scooter does up to 100mph - which is more than enough oomph to get past traffic - I just do it at three times the mpg.

I cannot stress enough how expensive petrol is in the UK - they are withdrawing tax benefits for gas (LPG) now shortly as well, so its not like there are many alternatives. At least diesel engines you can run on chip fat or vegetable oil or any other oil more or less in a push..!

The roadster is a toy - its hardly a city commuter for me - its a faff to use in traffic in the centre. Bizarrely you cannot use the power in the way that you can with a scooter which will ping about easily through and into gaps, park up easily, the whole thing is a pleasure to use compared to the dicking about with clutch and gears every five seconds in town.

But as my write up says - if you are not commuting, and using it for pleasure - the roadster is King of the Road, without question - there is nothing finer to be on or more lovely to behold.
Well the bike's now ready in Glasgow. Last week's snow has come and gone so maybe it's just as well the bike was a week later than expected. So Friday - and I'm going to get my leg over at last - and won't be disappointed I'm sure!
Good forecast too, so I hope to go up Loch Lomondside to Crianlarich and the long way home, 150miles, so that should warm it up nicely on empty roads. Then I've got a whole week's holidays!

And cheekygrin, I can understand your affection for scooters, - having had to drive in Laandan last year there's no way I would do that regularly.- but you need to get out to empty roads more often! (in the nicest possible way!)

- go North young man!!
Well i've put 500miles on it now and it's woken up! It felt a bit tight to start with, but now after three 200 mile runs in 3 days it's spinning more freely , and now with clean pink Silkolene 4T fully synth we'll see how it really goes.

It's big and a bit slow to change direction on those sharp bends that tighten up halfway round, but I'm pretty impressed. I'm amazed how light the controls are, especially the clutch, and the brakes are excellent, even 2-up. My wife's been on the back for 400 miles and finds it comfy, but it could be more compliant over the bumpy bits. I've dropped the rear pre-load to the softest setting, but it might loosen up a little yet with more miles. if not maybe a softer set of springs (if available) would be better. Certainly the ride quality isn't nearly as good as my Sprint ST . She does like the backrest pad though and my old Oxford throwover pannier bags fit well and look the part.

Fuel consumption so far has been 41-45 mpg (UK galls) but I've only been taking it easy. i look forward to some more runs this week, but I'm going to change the TORs back to the original cans as the noise at around 2-3000rpm really hits some resonant frequency in both our heads! Above that it's fine , but it's a strange "buzz" or drone in the eardrums that's very penetrating. I'm used to loud bikes, having had a Harley on open pipes for years, but this is different. At least it's easy to swap the cans and I'll try both standard and TORs over the next few runs. Either set is very heavy though!

It does go very well ,and I can see some other bikes are going to get a shock when they're left standing. I might lose out just a liitle a bit on the corners but as soon as the road straightens out this thing is a real Rocket!

And anyone got any advice how to keep the engine black finish clean? Short of on-you-knees worship with a small stiff brush, there must be an easier way.
Glad your enjoying it Och2pot. Mine is due in 24th (I hope, still not had final confirmation of the provisional date).

I am due a spell in the Alps in June so am pleased to hear it handles well. I have done 3 precious trips. 2 on a Sprint very fast around corners and on straights but too full on riding position for my liking. Last trip was my Tiger 1050 - brilliant. However, I am looking to take things more casually this year and absorb the scenary rather than trying to set land speed records so hopefully the r3r will be the perfect bike!

Good lick with the cans. I've got the standard ones in mine so hopefully all will be well.

Cheers Chris

Standard cans are definitely loud enough for my liking. Unless they can come up with a mechanical valve to open things up like in sportscars above certain revs, which you can control (dont want the thing blaring loudly when you are just cruising sedately for instance..!) then Am staying with the standard exhausts until I get a shortie one for lighter weight, to remove the drill string I have stuck to the sides of my bike..

And yes, it handles ok - certainly not sprightly, but thats not what I got it for..

Re: the engine, you might want to try GT85 after its washed, its like WD40, but actually better as it has teflon in it, always good to coat exposed metal with.. Maybe try a patch test on a hot area first.

You guys heard of ACS50 or whatever its called?