Ken, sorry to hear about your damaged bike. I can one-up you though. I wrecked my '05 on my test ride so it was all mangled before I even got it home! I fixed it all myself for not too much though. I wish you well finding parts. Everything can be bought OEM except some painted parts and eBay is a good resource if you have time. I wasn't able to ride mine until a year after I bought it.
Ken, sorry to hear about your damaged bike. I can one-up you though. I wrecked my '05 on my test ride so it was all mangled before I even got it home! I fixed it all myself for not too much though. I wish you well finding parts. Everything can be bought OEM except some painted parts and eBay is a good resource if you have time. I wasn't able to ride mine until a year after I bought it.

what a crap situation. id go mad having to pay for it and own a new toy but not be able to use it for a year!
Cannot see why it should be a problem to repaint any metalwork that needs to be blue? The paint guy at work has access to the paint codes for ****ed near anything, including Truimph colours, and can then mix up whatever is needed.

Any competant paint shop should be able to do the same.