Rocket 3 Belt Buckles

Thieves would just have to change one little thing not to breach the patent.
I checked on all this when I made a wheel lift for repoing cars about 20 years ago.
It'd fit in the back of a pickup truck and fold itself out and load the car
without you ever having to leave the cab of the truck,
then fold itself back up and hide again,
so you just looked like an ordinary truck going down the road.
It was electric over hydraulic design.
cost me over $10,000.00 to build the first one.
it now sits in the field out in the woods by the barn.
Told the wife I'd use it for yard art before I'd let them steal it, so that's what it's doing...
All the Aussie buckles are on the way please check your PM box for postage payment details:)
Hadn't checked on a pewter one,
I checked on silver and the manufacturer nixed that idea right off.
Might have to order another round of colored ones tho.
All that's left now is the brass ones..
I appreciate everybody who ordered and helped with this little fiasco.
Truely hope ya'll enjoy them as much as i'm enjoying mine...
Ride safe ya'll,
went up to Canberra this morning left the coast beutifull and sunny to the top of the mtn and it stared spiting .... pissing down by the time I got to Canberra, any saw beutifull vintage bikes on show in a gallery there the oldest bike I could see was a 1908 Triumph, any way left Kiwi's buckles with a cafe on the way near his place he was out getting a Tom Turkey I told him I'v heard of Wild Turkey but not Tom Turkey he corrected me in that he was talling about the bird Tom being a Male... ok. then I finnally tracked down Richard (canberraR3) he was so excited he ripped of his belt in the middle of the street, I saw one young lady looking longingly at him luckily his jeans didn't fall down or he might have gotten attacked by the young lady.... judging by the smile on the dial he was happy. I sad my good bye and disappeared in the miserable wet weather and just to make matter worse that pescky Canberra rain followed me down the mtn:rolleyes:
Thanks again Skip and, yeah, I paid the hi price of having them personally delivered by my good mate. Pants still up, so at least the brass one is working! Glad you got home safely yah big lug; was good to see you.

Anyways, I've decided to take Hanso's lead and model them as nipple covers. :eek: :eek:
Got Amanda to take some good picks (sorry fellas) which I'll post here if I'm feeling vengeful. ;)
Thanks again Skip and, yeah, I paid the hi price of having them personally delivered by my good mate. Pants still up, so at least the brass one is working! Glad you got home safely yah big lug; was good to see you.

Anyways, I've decided to take Hanso's lead and model them as nipple covers. :eek: :eek:
Got Amanda to take some good picks (sorry fellas) which I'll post here if I'm feeling vengeful. ;)
Ya bloody silly Fool I am getting Ann to model them with the bike on a nice day... bit cool at the moment